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How to add an RSS feed to your Next.js blog


February 28, 2024

4 min read

After my last post a colleague reached out with a usefull feedback: what about adding an RSS feed, so that people could keep track of new content?

What is an RSS feed?

An RSS feed is an XML file that contains the list of contents of a website, such as articles, news and episodes. It follows the RSS specification and RSS clients regularly monitor feeds to keep track of updates.

The rss root node contains one channel node. The channel node contains the blog overall information and can contain one or more item nodes, each one defining a blog post:

<rss xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" version="2.0">
  <atom:link href="<url to the rss feed>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
  <title> blog title </title>
  <link> blog url </link>
  <description> blog description </description>
  <language> en </language>
  <lastBuildDate> RFC 822 formatted date and time of last update </lastBuildDate>
    <title> Post title </title>
    <link> Post link </link>
    <author> author's email </author>
    <pubDate> RFC 822 formatted date and time of publication </pubDate>
    <guid> unique ID of the blog post </guid>

W3C maintains a free RSS validator that I used to ensure my feed was well formatted.

RSS feed and Next.js

Next.js supports server side static export: I generate my blog HTML and CSS content at build time, when I push my updates to Github. When a browser opens my blog it loads static HTML pages generated the last time I pushed my code.

Next.js static export generates only HTML, but it can serve any static content, under the public folder.

I already had code to load my markdown posts, I wanted to use it at build time to generate the feed and add it to the public folder.

Next.js loads the public folder content at build time, but content must be ready when next build starts. I did not want to generate the content dynamically as it the feed is as static as my posts. I did not want to commit a generated feed to Github neither, so I used my CI to generate it at build time, before it calls Next.js build command.

Generate the feed

I added a TS library to generate an RSS feed in Node, using the code that I use to generate my posts in Next.js. I prefered writing my code to play with RSS, but there are public libraries like feed.

I defined yarn rss in scripts in my package.json to have a shortcut to generate the feed.

"rss": "yarn tsx src/scripts/createRSS.ts"

Last step was calling it before I call the next build command in my CI. I updated the command in the build section in netflify.toml using the && bash operator to first call yarn rss and then yarn run build, if the rss generation succeeds. This way Netlify generates the rss feed and right after Next.js finds it in public:

  command = "yarn rss && yarn run build"

That's it! Now you can use the generated RSS feed to track my content for updates.